Monday, September 20, 2010


What's the meaning of family? I don't think I really know about the true meaning of it. All these while, I'm alone, whether I'm in pain or not, I'm still alone, whether I need help or not, I'm still alone and they are not there to help me. Non of them help me. I'm always alone.

But how come when every time they need help, I will be the one that will help them? Am I stupid? Because when every time I need help, non of them help me. Today I think I lost everything because of them.

What can I do? Where to start? I guess I shall give up on this whole family relationship since no one there to help me. I feel like I'm actually like an animal because they gave birth and raise until certain period then just let me go, I live or die is all on my own.

I tried very hard not to help them, but in the end I lost the promise. I did help them but in the end I ended up like an animal that no family to care or even concern about. Every time I said something to them, they don't even take it seriously.

I wonder, how long I can stand if I keep on doing it. Well I guess, today will be the day 20th of September 2010,Monday at 10.35pm, I'm going to give up on this family.

Am I right or wrong, I don't know. But as I know if I keep on like that, I will never have any positive results. So my conclusion will be, I'm going to be alone!