Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tell Me Why?

Certain people trapped in the circle of what Robert T.Kiyosaki used to say "Rat Race" for years or even whole life. How to get out of the race?

It's like all these while we been doing the same thing since few years back until today or even until future. Have you ever thought of getting out of it? Out of what? Definitely will be out of what we are facing now, such as financial difficulties and also freedom.

Do you realize that we work through out the whole month with full of sweat and looking forward for the next paycheck but in the end 80% or even more of it we didn't even use it on our own. Where did it goes to? Well, I'm sure everyone of us knew about it very well. By the middle of the month, all of us start to worry about the financial and keep on looking forward for the next month paycheck. How long can we tolerate with it? A year? A decade? Or forever? The answer will be definitely NO.

But somehow there are still got a lot of people didn't even realize about it or even they realize about it but then didn't take any actions about it. They just leave it and hope for a better ones day by day. But if we didn't find the way out or even seek for opportunities, how can we hope for a better one or get out of it?

Come on have you ever thought of being financial freedom? Or even live in a life that full of fun and less worry than the usual human being facing for most of the time? If you ever thought of it, then don't wait anymore, spend your time on something which is more useful than just sitting down and think about nonsense stuffs. Because for 100% of what we thought in our mind, 40% of what we thought are actually those things that wouldn't happen, 30% of it will be things that already happened, 12% of it will concern about the health, 10% of it will be thinking about those unnecessarily things such as what kind of clothes I shall wear today, later what shall I take for my lunch and etc.. and lastly left 8% of our mind will be resting. So why not we eliminate certain of the unimportant thoughts and go for something that will help us and benefit to us?

Think about the future, what you will be or what you going to be. Think about our love ones, are going to give them happiness or let them face the same problems like what we are facing now?

Cheers... Life is short so better do something that's worth it.

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